
Monday, May 24, 2010

WWE John Cena Raw Results : May 24, 2010

It was a do-or-die moment for both Edge and Chris Jericho. In their Triple Threat Fatal 4-Way Qualifying Match with John Cena, if either Edge or Jericho were to win, they would move on to the WWE Championship Fatal 4-Way Match next month. If The Champ were to prevail, however, neither Superstar would be eligible.

Knowing how much hung in the balance, The Ultimate Opportunist seized an opening by dropping Jericho with a Spear and covering him for the victory.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

John Cena Picture


Hot John Cena

John Cena Blue Eyes

Awesome John Cena

The Best Wwe Star 4 Ever John Cena

Cena One of the Best and Funniest


John Cena Joins Nickelodeon’s ‘True Jackson, VP’

John Cena – You Cant See Me


John Cena – Word Life

No Words To Match

Do u want why there no words to match john cena we say he is an amazing wwe star he becomes a great raper we his music is awosome he becomes a great actor and he is got great look he is a handsome man and has a great body but the best thing about john is after all he has you would say he must has a big ego but he is NOT john is humbel a great pearson and he does all this chearity work that you wont belive and the mellitaray he loves the us soliders and his country and al of that just to say a few things about john all and all he is a world phenomena.